Mellow Life

NUDE glass Islands威士忌聞香杯 (1套2件)



【Design by Nude Design Team,土耳其製造】 擁有精緻簡約的輪廓,增強了無鉛水晶的光彩。長梗形狀適用於所有風格的威士忌,而輕輕張開的邊緣將飲料準確地送到舌頭的正確部位,帶出它的味道和香氣。 Destined to upgrade any table setting, this NUDE Island set of whisky glasses boast an exquisitely simple silhouette that enhances the brilliance of lead-free crystal. The long-stemmed shape works for all styles of whisky, while the gently flared rim delivers the drink onto exactly the right part of the tongue, bringing out its flavours and aromas. 容量: 205 cc / 49 mm / 206 mm 全人手製造 handmade 無鉛水晶玻璃 lead-free crystal glass 適合品嚐威士忌
